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For 97-00 Toyota Tacoma 2WD 98-00 4WD LED Halo Projector Headlights Left+Right


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/************************************ MEDIA QUERY ENDS ***************************************************/

For Toyota


Tacoma 2WD


Tacoma 4WD

[2-Door Regular Cab | 2-Door Extra Cab]

<div class="additionImage" id="firstAdd" data-status="“>

Video will open in a new window

Video will open in a new window

Video will open in a new window

<div class="additionImage" id="secondAdd" data-status="“>








Titanium Clear
Chrome Housing/ Clear Lens


Driver & Passenger Side
Osram High Beam|Low Beam
Philips T10 LED


Lumiled T10 LEDs offer the Brightest Light with Built-in Resistors for Error Free operation

Angel Eye

LED Halos are made with the Best Materials and Precisely Illuminate with Ultra-Bright SMD LED chips

German Osram Bulb

Integrated into our Lights are Industry Leading Osram Bulbs derived from German Technology


Our Polycarbonate Lens offer Superior UV protection and a High Impact Resistance


With our Strategic
Distribution Locations in US,




  • Tracking numbers will be easily accessible as soon as they are created and processed.
  • Once a purchase is placed, we cannot accommodate for any address changes.
  • Most auction style listings can only be shipped in the domestic 48 states.
  • We will not ship to PO Boxes unless the buyer is in a rural area.
  • No local pick up.
  • Buyers outside of the U.S. are responsible for any brokerage’s fee, import duties, or taxes. Please check with your country’s government website.
  • Extra shipping fees are required for international shipments as well as the following states and territories: PR, HI, AK, GU, VI, APO.


Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm PST

8:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

  • Our main distribution center is over 200,000 sq ft in sunny Southern California. We have also expanded eastward to shorten the delivery times.
  • With well over 100 employees, DT Motoring provides consumers with quick and reliable purchase experience.
  • Specialized in aftermarket auto parts since 2002, we source and work directly with overseas manufacturers to provide the highest quality parts at the most economical prices.
  • All emails will be answered within 1 business day during our business hours, except on weekends and major holidays.



  • We accept PayPal and all forms of credit card.
  • Payments cleared before 3PM EST, will be shipped on the same day.
  • Please submit your payment within 7 days after your purchase. Otherwise, eBay will automatically open an Unpaid Item Dispute on our behalf if the item(s) are not paid within 7days.



Additional information



Placement on Vehicle

Left, Right, Front

Housing Color


Lens Color


Manufacturer Part Number

TO2502120, TO2503120, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Interchange Part Number

8115004090, 8111004090_97 98 99 00

California Prop 65 Warning

This product contains chemicals known to the State



Package Include

Driver Side & Passenger Side

[Headlight] Bulb

Osram H1 Low/ High Included

[Headlight] Halo Type

Nichia LED Halo Ring

[Headlight] LED Type


SAE DOT Compliant



Heavy Duty Polycarbonate

Dust and Moisture Protection



Free Return Shipping on damaged or defective items

Headlight Style

Halo Projector

Assembly Type


Lighting Technology


Fitment Type



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