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Fit For Acura Integra 2023-2024 Carbon Fiber ABS Interior Door Armrest Panel 4pc


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Fit For Acura Integra 2023-2024 Carbon Fiber ABS Interior Door Armrest Panel 4pc


Fit For Acura Integra 2023-2024 Carbon Fiber ABS Interior Door Armrest Panel 4pc

  • Fit For Acura Integra 2023-2024

Product Description :

  • 1. Number of Pieces Include: 4pcs

  • 2. Product Color: As The Picture Shows

  • 3. Product Material: Made of high quality ABS Plastic material

  • 4. Condition: 100% Brand New(Never Been Used or Installed, Quality Checked Before Shipping)

  • 5. Made in ISO9001 factory, good quality and have been exported all over the world

Attention :

  • Please compare your original Car with our images before placing the order.

Product Introduction :

  • ✔MATERIAL–100% brand new. Strict factory QC test, high quality guarantee.

  • ✔APPLICATION–Provide a premium and stylish decor for your car, cover existing scratches and decorate your car.

  • ✔FEATURES–Made of use superb surface treatment technology for protection, anti-corrosion, fading protection and years of trouble-free use.

  • ✔DESIGN–Perfectly match with your original car. It can bring luxurious decoration upgrades to your car. 

Installation Instruction :

  • 1. Simple installation, direct installation without any modification, Perfectly match your vehicles.

  • 2. First check the area or location on the vehicle where this product needs to be installed. Please have the surface complete clean.

  • 3. Please use a cleaning towel to remove any dirt, dust and make sure the surface is thoroughly clean and completely dry.

  • 4. Compare the position and adjust it, Install the product in the correct position of the vehicle and check if it is stable.

  • 5. If you not familar with DIY, please ask professional for help.

Notes :

  • 1. Please check whether this item can fit on your car before purchasing. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns and we will provide you with the best guidance.

  • 2. If you also need other automotive products, can contact us, we are a professional production and manufacture of various types of automotive products manufacturers, will provide you with the most satisfactory products.


    1.Please feel free to contact us if you have any question about the items, we will do our best to serve you.

    2.Because of the different time zone, please give us some time, all the emails will be answered within 24 hours .

    3.If you have not received the email reply, please check in your spam email(some email system Shielding ebay E-mail), or send the email again in case mistake.

    Thanks for your understand and support !

    1. Payment should be completed within 8 business days auction closing.

       Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.

    2. If payment is temporarily unavailable for some reasons, please contact us immediately.

       We will provide you with the most satisfactory solution.

    1. We will ship the goods as soon as we receive your payment.(usually within 5 business day).

    2. All items will be shipped to buyers E-bay address. 

        If your E-bay address doesn't match the desired delivery address, please contact us immediately.

    3. If you plan to purchase multiple products at once, please contact us.

       We can provide you with value discounts and more efficient and faster transportation.

    4. We dispatch worldwide.

    1. All of our items come with a 30-day return policy. 

        We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. 

    2. In the event that you receive the item is not in the standards above,

        Please contact us via eBay messages.

    3. If you need to return, please contact us first.

    1. If you are not satisfied with our products or services, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. 

        Good communication helps buyers and sellers to solve any problems.

    2. We are promising to try our best to provide the best service and 100% satisfaction for valuable buyer like you.

    1. Feedback is important to all of us participating in the eBay community. 

       We have been working hard and strive for 100% customer satisfaction.

    2. We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. 

        We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. 

    3. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback.

        We will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.

About Us

1.Please feel free to contact us if you have any question about the items, we will do our best to serve you.

2.Because of the different time zone, please give us some time, all the emails will be answered within 24 hours .

3.If you have not received the email reply, please check in your spam email(some email system Shielding ebay E-mail), or send the email again in case mistake.

Thanks for your understand and support !


1. Payment should be completed within 8 business days auction closing.

   Or unpaid dispute will be filed for closing auction.

2. If payment is temporarily unavailable for some reasons, please contact us immediately.

   We will provide you with the most satisfactory solution.


1. We will ship the goods as soon as we receive your payment.(usually within 5 business day).

2. All items will be shipped to buyers E-bay address. 

    If your E-bay address doesn't match the desired delivery address, please contact us immediately.

3. If you plan to purchase multiple products at once, please contact us.

   We can provide you with value discounts and more efficient and faster transportation.

4. We dispatch worldwide.


1. All of our items come with a 30-day return policy. 

    We ensure all our items are new and in excellent condition prior to shipping. 

2. In the event that you receive the item is not in the standards above,

    Please contact us via eBay messages.

3. If you need to return, please contact us first.

Contact Us

1. If you are not satisfied with our products or services, please contact us before leaving negative feedback. 

    Good communication helps buyers and sellers to solve any problems.

2. We are promising to try our best to provide the best service and 100% satisfaction for valuable buyer like you.


1. Feedback is important to all of us participating in the eBay community. 

   We have been working hard and strive for 100% customer satisfaction.

2. We will leave a positive feedback immediately after payment is received. 

    We appreciate a positive feedback as much as you do. 

3. If for some reason there is any issue with the purchase, please contact us prior to leaving feedback.

    We will be glad to work together and provide a satisfying solution.

PaymentShippingReturn policyAbout usContact us

Copyright © – Tongtool All rights reserved | Design:Tongtool

Additional information





Country/Region of Manufacture



Anti-Stain, Chip & Crack Resistant, Durable, Easy Clean, Easy Installation, Heat Resistant, Matching Appearance, No Drilling Required, Scratch-Resistant, Self-Adhesive, Waterproof


Glossy, Grain'

Manufacturer Part Number

Fit For Acura Integra 2023-2024

Manufacturer Warranty

2 Years



OE/OEM Part Number

Does Not Apply

Performance Part


Placement on Vehicle

Door, Front, Left, Lower, Rear, Right


Interior Trim Set

Universal Fitment


Vintage Part



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