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100% Brand New And High Quality.
Directly replace and easily install.
Please make sure the interchange part number matches the part you are replacing.
Package included: 1 Engine air filter + 1 Cabin air filter
▣ Replace Part Numbers
17801-0H050, 87139-07010
AF5649, C35667
▣ Fitment
2007-2017 Toyota Camry 4 cylinders
2009-2016 Toyota Venza 4 cylinders
››› We ship to US only.
››› Items are usually shipped out within 24 hours during the business days after payment has been received.
››› US Shipments in 48 States will include Delivery Confirmation Number or Tracking Number.
››› International buyers are responsible for duties and customs fees. Duty Rate is vary subject to different countries' regulation.
››› We guarantee against any defective products. The original shipping label must be sent back to us to validate the return. A full refund can only be issued during the first 30 days upon receipt of the product.
››› All returned products (Replacements or Refund) need to be assigned a RMA # (Return Merchandise Authorization #) prior to return. Any returned product without a RMA # on package will not be accepted or processed.
››› To obtain a RMA #, please contact us through eBay's messaging system with your eBay user ID, eBay item ID #, and a brief description about your item condition and/or service requested. We will work on resolving your particular case ASAP.
››› Buyer will be responsible for all kind of return shipping/shipment to the seller for resolving the problem.
››› Any items purchased in error, or that are non-defective or un-damaged may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Shipping and handling fees are non-refundable. If an item is returned to us due to an address issue, we do charge a reshipping fee to reship. If you would like a refund, there will be a 15% restocking fee applied.
››› The Extended Return policy does not cover damage caused by accident, abuse, neglect, modification, alteration, misuse, repair, modification or physical damages. Return orders will be provided to the original purchaser only. It will not renew once a replacement has been issued.
››› Please contact us before returning.
››› We appreciate your feedback and our system will automatically leave feedback for you after bid ends.
››› We value our customers so that if you have a problem we are always here to offer help. Any question please feel free to contact us through eBay message center.
››› If you have any problems please email us . We will answer all emails as quickly as possible. Just give us the opportunity to resolve a problem.
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