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.whybuy img{
/* — left column — */
#LeftPanel, #LeftPanel .x-tbar,
#LeftPanel .x-main-ttop, #LeftPanel .x-tmid,
#LeftPanel .x-tbtm, #LeftPanel .x-prom { display:block; background:transparent none; overflow:hidden; }
/* — main column — */
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#x-main-feat, #x-main .x-tbar,
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#x-main .x-tbtm, #x-main-tabs { display:block; overflow:hidden; }
/*— columns float and spacing — */
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/* — ebay content settings general do not change — */
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#CentralArea .cmpBr { padding:0 10px; }
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.x-bg .x-ctr { text-align:center !important; margin:0 auto !important; max-width:960px !important; }
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#x-main-tabs img, #x-main-feat .x-fp * { display:block; }
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/* — left column width — */
#x-side-srch, #x-side-cats,
#x-side-news, #x-side-feat { width:210px !important; }
/* — main column width — */
#CentralArea, #x-main, #x-main-fcat,
#x-main-feat, #x-main-prom,
#x-main-tabs { width:717px; }
/*— side gutters padding — */
#LeftPanel { padding:0 0 0 14px !important; } /* optional left column padding left */
#CentralArea, #x-main { padding:0 14px 0 0 !important; } /* optional right column padding right */
#CentralArea #x-main { padding:0 !important; }
/* — custom content settings general — */
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.x-bg a:hover, .fpcc .countClass { color:#B11F23; }
/* — section title bars settings — */
#LeftPanel .x-tbar, #x-main .x-tbar,
#x-main h2 { background-color:transparent; background-position:center top; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
.x-bg #LeftPanel .x-tbar { padding-top:34px; }
.x-bg #x-main .x-tbar { padding-top:34px; }
.x-bg #x-main h2 { height:34px; line-height:34px; }
/* — main general editable title bar — */
#x-main h2 { color:#FFF; text-align:left; font-size:16px; font-weight:normal; font-family:”Times New Roman”, Georgia, Times, Serif; text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow:1px 1px #B65301; background-image:url(; margin:0; padding:0 15px; clear:both; }
/* — text titles settings — */
#CentralArea h1, #x-main h1 { color:#515151; text-align:left; font:normal 18px/21px “Open Sans”, Arial, Tahoma, Sans-serif; margin:0; padding:0 0 15px; } /* listing main title */
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/* — text boxes general – solid with border — */
#LeftPanel .x-tbar, #LeftPanel .x-prom { width:210px; } /* side section dimensions */
#LeftPanel .x-tmid, #LeftPanel .x-tbtm { width:208px; } /* side section dimensions with border */
#x-main .x-tbar, #x-main .x-prom { width:717px; } /* main section dimensions */
#x-main .x-ttop, #x-main .x-tmid,
#x-main .x-tbtm, #x-main-feat #x-feat { width:715px; } /* main section dimensions with border */
#LeftPanel .x-tmid, #LeftPanel .x-tbtm,
#x-main .x-ttop, #x-main .x-tmid,
#x-main .x-tbtm, #x-main-feat #x-feat { background:#FAFAFA none; border:1px solid #D8D8D8; }
#x-main .x-ttop { border-width:1px 1px 0; }
#LeftPanel .x-tmid, #x-main .x-tmid,
#x-main-feat #x-feat { border-width:0 1px; }
#LeftPanel .x-tbtm, #x-main .x-tbtm { border-width:0 1px 1px; }
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#x-main .x-tins { padding:10px 15px 5px; } /* text box inset padding */
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#x-template #LeftPanel .x-home { display:none !important; } /* promo boxes on store only */
#x-template #LeftPanel .x-temp { display:block !important; } /* promo boxes on template only */
/* — search and news checkbox selects — */
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#x-side-srch #descr,
#x-side-news .x-tmid #general { margin:1px 5px 0 0; }
/* — category page font overrides do not change — */
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.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 p,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 li,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 table,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 a,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 a:link,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 a:visited,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 a:active { color:#515151; }
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 a:hover,
.x-bg #CentralArea .r3 .fpcc .countClass { color:#B11F23; }
/* top right view options */
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4stabl,
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4stabl a { color:#515151; font-size:11px; }
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4stabl a:hover { color:#B11F23; }
/* additional search results suggestions */
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp div { color:#B11F23; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; padding:15px 0 5px; } /* title line */
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp ul li { background-image:url(; padding-bottom:10px; } /* bullet icon */
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp ul li,
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp ul li a { color:#515151; } /* options text, links */
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp ul li a { text-decoration:underline; }
.x-bg #CentralArea .v4snexp ul li a:hover { color:#B11F23; } /* options links hover */
/* Header formatting
————————————————– */
/* — head main — */
#x-head-wrap { height:130px; background:transparent url( center top repeat-x; }
#x-head { height:130px; background:transparent url( 0 0 no-repeat; }
#x-head-logo { position:absolute; left:16px; top:12px; width:240px; height:51px; display:block; } /* position logo homepage link */
/* — search box — */
#x-head-srch { position:absolute; left:705px; top:87px; width:249px; }
#x-head-srch-bttn { height:26px; line-height:26px; border:0 none !important; background:transparent none;}
#x-head-srch-sbox { width:166px; color:#888; font-size:12px; padding:0 10px; float:left; } /* input box */
#x-head-srch-bttn { width:61px; float:right; } /* float submit button link */
/* — menu bar text links — */
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#x-head-menu li { text-align:center; background:transparent url( right center no-repeat; padding:0 2px 0 0; }
#x-head-menu li.last { background-image:none; padding:0; }
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#x-head-menu li a:hover { color:#FFF; background:#1E7AAA none; }
#x-head-menu li.first a { -moz-border-radius:4px 0 0 4px; border-radius:4px 0 0 4px; } /* optional rounding on first link hover */
/* Left panel formatting
————————————————– */
/* — side categories menu — */
#x-side-cats.x-tbar { background-image:url(; } /* section title bar */
#LeftPanel .lev1 li { margin:0 1px; border-top:1px dotted #D8D8D8; }
#LeftPanel .lev1 li.first { border-top:0 none; }
#LeftPanel .lev1 li a,
#LeftPanel .lev1 li span { background:transparent url( 11px 9px no-repeat; font-size:13px; line-height:16px; padding:6px 6px 6px 24px; }
#LeftPanel .lev1 li span,
#LeftPanel .lev1 li a:hover { color:#B11F23; background-image:url(; background-color:#FFF; }
#LeftPanel .lev2, #LeftPanel .lev3 { margin:0; padding:0 0 5px; }
#LeftPanel .lev2 li, #LeftPanel .lev3 li { border:0 none; }
#LeftPanel .lev2 li a,
#LeftPanel .lev2 li span { background:transparent url( 23px 4px no-repeat; font-size:11px; line-height:13px; padding:3px 6px 3px 36px; }
#LeftPanel .lev3 li a,
#LeftPanel .lev3 li span { background:transparent url( 35px 4px no-repeat; font-size:11px; line-height:13px; padding:3px 6px 3px 48px; }
#LeftPanel .lev2 li span,
#LeftPanel .lev3 li span,
#LeftPanel .lev2 li a:hover,
#LeftPanel .lev3 li a:hover { color:#B11F23; background-image:url(; background-color:#FFF; }
/* Homepage formatting
————————————————– */
/* Template formatting
————————————————– */
/* — template description section — */
#x-main #x-main-gall.x-tbar { background-image:url(; } /* section title bar */
#x-main #x-main-gall .x-tmid { padding-top:0; }
/* — template image gallery — thumbs bottom — */
#x-temp-gall, #x-gall-main, #x-gall-thmb { width:100%; }
#x-temp-gall { margin-bottom:18px; }
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-main { border:1px solid #D8D8D8; background:#FFF none; margin-bottom:10px; padding:5px; } /* set spacing and border of main img holder */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-main,
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-main .x-cntr { width:662px; height:662px; } /* set main img holder size */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-main img { max-width:662px; max-height:662px; } /* set main img size */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb h5 { font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; } /* thumbs text title */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb .x-hold { border:1px solid #D8D8D8; background:#FFF none; margin:3px 2px; display:inline-block; padding:1px; } /* set spacing and border of thumb holders */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb .x-hold:hover { border:1px solid #B11F23; }
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb .x-hold,
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb .x-cntr { width:57px; height:57px; } /* set thumb holders size */
#x-temp-gall #x-gall-thmb img { max-width:57px; max-height:57px; } /* set thumbs size */
/* — template terms tabs — */
#x-main-tabs { height:34px; background:transparent url( 0 0 no-repeat; }
#x-main-tabs a img { height:36px; display:block; float:left; margin-left:2px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-01 { width:81px; margin-left:1px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-02 { width:83px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-03 { width:168px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-04 { width:87px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-05 { width:102px; }
#x-main-tabs a img#x-main-ttab-06 { width:156px; }
/* — main featured categories images — */
#x-main-fcat img { width:168px; height:202px; margin:0 0 13px 15px; float:left; }
#x-main-fcat img.x-first { margin-left:0; }
/* Footer
————————————————– */
#x-foot-wrap { height:105px; background:transparent url( center top repeat-x; }
#x-foot { height:105px; background:transparent url( 0 0 no-repeat; text-align:left; }
#x-foot * { color:#FFF; font-size:13px; line-height:16px; }
#x-foot a:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
#x-foot-subm a { text-transform:uppercase; }
#x-foot-subm { padding:25px 0 0 20px; }
#x-foot-copy { padding:5px 0 0 20px; }
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- Paypal is a preferred payment method.If you DO NOT have a Paypal account,please go to the website to register.
- You can make a Credit Card payment via Paypal. Paypal will let you use Master card,Visa to pay.
- All of the items will be shipped to buyer,EBAY address,please confirm your address on eBay before you buy.Your order will be usually shipped out the same or next business days once the payment is made and cleared.
- All items will be professional packed and shipped.
- If to USA,we will ship your order by USPS,it will take about 7-12 working days to you,and you can track it on line.
- If to other country,we will ship your order by Economic way, it will take about 14-28 working days to you. We ship worldwide.
- Please note that some countries will have custom duty or tax for certain items. It is the buyer’s responsibility to pay all endued custom duty or tax. We are not responsible for any custom duty or tax since our price do not include this charge.
- If you receive a wrong or defective item,you must contact us within 5 days from the date you receive the product,a refund may be issued.
- And post mark the return within 14 days for a full refund ( Excludes shipping fee) or an Exchange.The product must be returned in NEW condition in the original packing materials.
- Unauthorized or delayed returns will not be accepted;otherwise the item can not be accepted for return.
- If you encounter any problems about anything, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to assist you solve the issue.
- If you are not satisfied in anyway, please feel free to let us know and give us a second chance to correct it before you decide to leave any neutral or negative feedback.
- Please contact us through eBay link if you have any questions. We will reply you within 24- 48 hours. Please check you spam mail if no response for 48 hours.
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