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Variable Valve Timing Solenoid
Application Summary: Acura 2006-02, Honda 2011-02
2011 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2010 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2009 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2009 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2008 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2008 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2008 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2007 | Honda | Accord | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2007 | Honda | Accord | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2007 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2007 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2007 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Acura | RSX | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Honda | Accord | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Honda | Accord | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2006 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Acura | RSX | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | Accord | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | Accord | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2005 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Acura | RSX | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Accord | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Accord | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2004 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Acura | RSX | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Accord | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Accord | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2003 | Honda | Element | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Acura | RSX | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc) | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Honda | Civic | L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Honda | CR-V | L4 144 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve | |
2002 | Honda | CR-V | L4 2.4L (2354cc) | Spool Valve |
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