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Honda 15810-RAA-A03 Variable Valve Timing Solenoid for Accord Civic CR-V Acura


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Store Categories
Honda 15810-RAA-A03 Variable Valve Timing Solenoid for Accord Civic CR-V Acura

Items Description


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Variable Valve Timing Solenoid

Application Summary: Acura 2006-02, Honda 2011-02

2011 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2010 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2009 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2009 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2008 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2008 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2008 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2007 Honda Accord L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2007 Honda Accord L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2007 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2007 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2007 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Acura RSX L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Honda Accord L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Honda Accord L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2006 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Acura RSX L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda Accord L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda Accord L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel   Spool Valve
2005 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2005 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Acura RSX L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Accord L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Accord L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel   Spool Valve
2004 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2004 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Acura RSX L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Accord L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Accord L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel   Spool Valve
2003 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2003 Honda Element L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2002 Acura RSX L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2002 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc)   Spool Valve
2002 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); Si Submodel   Spool Valve
2002 Honda Civic L4 122 2.0L (1998cc); SiR Submodel   Spool Valve
2002 Honda CR-V L4 144 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve
2002 Honda CR-V L4 2.4L (2354cc)   Spool Valve


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Additional information

Manufacturer Warranty

3 Year

Other Part Number




Manufacturer Part Number

15810-RAA-A03 / 15810RAAA03

Interchange Part Number

15810-RAA-A01/ 15810raaa01


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