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For Honda Accord 2018-2022 Carbon Steering Wheel Frame Cover Trim Accessories


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SKU: 165608694707 Category:


Fitment Fit For Honda Accord 2018 2021 Feature: Condition:100% Brand new Material: Made OF ABS Plastic Color: as picture Made in an ISO 9001 facility to ensure High quality. Easy Installation,tape is at the back. Please note: Warm the tape before installing, it will stick better. Package Content: 2 Pcs Carbon fiber Interior Steering Wheel Frame Cover Trim

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For Honda Accord 2018-2022 Carbon Steering Wheel Frame Cover Trim Accessories


  • Fit For Honda Accord 2018 2021
  • Condition:100% Brand new
  • Material: Made OF ABS Plastic
  • Color: as picture
  • Made in an ISO 9001 facility to ensure High quality.
  • Easy Installationtape is at the back. Please note: Warm the tape before installing, it will stick better.
Package Content:
  • 2 Pcs Carbon fiber Interior Steering Wheel Frame Cover Trim

  1. We accept only PayPal payment
  2. All major credit cards are accepted through secure payment processor PayPal.(* If you use e-check on PayPal, delivery may take longer, as we will hold your order until your e-check clear)
  3. Payment must be received within 7 business days of auction closing.
  4. Please make sure your PayPal and eBay address is correct. If not, please correct it before payment. Thank you.
1. We will ship the products within 1 business day after clearance of payment excluding weekends and holidays.

2. Items will be shipped out from our US storehouse, US local warranty will be provided, in oder to protect your purchase

3. We use USPS/UPS with tracking number, it takes normally 2-6 Workdays to arrive.

4. We just can send this item to your Paypal registered address, if you want to change the shipping address after payment, we will refund you firstly, and you can add the new address in your paypal and pay for it again.

5. Usually there will be a delay on the delivery update system; you may consider tracking your items in a few days time.

6. All the tracking number will be sent to your paypal email after the parcel sent, if you did not receive it after the time limit, just feel free to contact us.

7. No Local Pickup supported.
1. US local warranty, we provide 1 year factory warranty, if our item is fault, you can send back this item to our US address for warranty

2. The valid period of replacement/money back is 30 days from the date of receiving the item, if our product has any problem, please feel free to contact us and please note keep it in original condition.

3. Our technician will check the item carefully before sending, also if you received a defective product, please keep it in original condition and email us immediately, we will exchange a new one for you asap.

4. It is buyer’s responsibility to pay for return postage and ship the item back to us. we will send it back at our cost if this item is defective as report.

For the repair of returned item, factory technician needs time to process it, so please be patient.

5. Warranty will be voided as of:

(1) Damage caused by: Undue wear & tear, dirt, misused, improper installation or operation, neglect, accident.

(2) Any damages caused by improper packaging when buyers return the item to us.

(3) If the item was disassembled or repaired by unauthorized person.
  1. We will leave POSITIVE FEEDBACK after receiving the payment. Please contact us if you are not satisfied with the item after receiving it.
  2. All email will be answered within One working day. If you do not receive our reply, please kindly re-sent your email and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
  3. We maintain high standards of excellence and strive for 100% customer satisfaction! Feedback is very important to us. We request that you contact us immediately.
  4. Before you give us neutral or negative Feedback, so that we can satisfactorily address your concerns.
  5. Good communication can fix all problems, we always believe that as long as you are willing to communicate with us, we will give you a satisfactory answer.
1. Welcome to shop in Geartronics Official Store, We have 8 years’ experience on Car parts and Motorcycle parts, with headquarters in Hong Kong and branch offices in Shenzhen (China), Southall (UK), Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Sydney (Australia), Roma (Italy), Paris (France) and Walnut (USA). We own very professional technician and customer service team, till now we have many resellers and drop shippers all over the world.

2. We offer an extensive range of products selected by our professionals superiority in details and quality is a high priority. We also have a high-standard team, qualified by authorized organizations to ensure products are of the highest quality.

3. We are increasingly expanding international markets based on high quality products, excellent service, reasonable prices and timely delivery. Please contact us at any time for more information. We work hard to make sure EVERY CUSTOMER 100% and ensure products are of the highest quality.

Copyright © Juneberry_uk. All Rights Reserved.


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Additional information




Carbon Fiber

Fitment Type


Interchange Part Number

DashMat Dash Mat Cover Dashboard Car Interior Pad, Fit For HONDA ACCORD 2018 2019

Manufacturer Part Number

Does Not Apply

Modified Item


Non-Domestic Product


Placement on Vehicle


Manufacturer Warranty

3 Year


carbon fiber


Steering Wheel Frame Cover

OE/OEM Part Number



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