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For Toyota Corolla Carbon Fiber Sticker Car Center Console Trim Cover 2007-2013


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Product Description
For Toyota Corolla Carbon Fiber Sticker Car Center Console Trim Cover 2007-2013

1set Brand New Car Interior Center Console Color Change Carbon Fiber Molding Sticker Decals For Toyota Corolla 2007-2013


-Condition : 100% Brand New.

-Material: latest imported gas guide groove 3D texture carbon fiber membrane.

-Waterproof, sunscreen and anti-high temperature.

-High tensile properties. The change of stickers leave no marks, not damaging the paint of the original car, not afraid of high-pressure water rinsing.

-Moderate thickness. Perfect Fit and Easy Installation.

-Colors: Carbon Fiber Black 

Package Included:

1set x STICKER


Installation process:

(1) Clean the place that need to be pasted and spray water on it.

(2) Spray water on the back of the carbon fiber sticker to make it easy to adjust position.

(3) Fix the item from the outside to inwards side in accordance with the shape.

(4) Adjust the key parts first and do the other locations.

(5)Flatten the interior part to make the shape more docile.

(6)Warm the corners with roasted gun or hair dryer and press to make them firm.

We accepy ebay manage payment only.

1.Item usually will be shipped within 24 hours after your full payment has been received.

2.Item usually arrive on time as ebay estimate to most countries,if item didn't arrived after that,contact us before leave feedback or open case,we will solve the problem easier,thank you for your cooperation.

1. If there are any question,contact us instead of leave a  Neutral or Negative feedback,thank you.

2. If you are satisfied with our products and service, please help to leave "Positive Feedback" and "5 Perfect Stars”,for us when you receive your items and we will do the same for you. Thanks in advance!

3. If you have any questions regarding the transaction, before leaving any feedbacks, please contact us and give us an opportunity to find a solution. Thank you!

We will write lower value on package,usually without taxes and customs problems.

If there are any problem,please email us before leaving feedback or openning any case,we will help you solve it soon.

1. If you have any questions about the product, please Email us or Leave a message,We will reply as soon as possible . Thanks for cooperation and understand!!!

2. Returned item has to be in its original condition,But Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. After receiving the return we will make a replacement depends on our available stock, if not available, a refund will be issued.


We accepy ebay manage payment only.

Shipping Time

1.Item usually will be shipped within 24 hours after your full payment has been received.

2.Item usually arrive on time as ebay estimate to most countries,if item didn't arrived after that,contact us before leave feedback or open case,we will solve the problem easier,thank you for your cooperation.


1. If there are any question,contact us instead of leave a  Neutral or Negative feedback,thank you.

2. If you are satisfied with our products and service, please help to leave "Positive Feedback" and "5 Perfect Stars”,for us when you receive your items and we will do the same for you. Thanks in advance!

3. If you have any questions regarding the transaction, before leaving any feedbacks, please contact us and give us an opportunity to find a solution. Thank you!


We will write lower value on package,usually without taxes and customs problems.

Contact us

If there are any problem,please email us before leaving feedback or openning any case,we will help you solve it soon.


1. If you have any questions about the product, please Email us or Leave a message,We will reply as soon as possible . Thanks for cooperation and understand!!!

2. Returned item has to be in its original condition,But Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. After receiving the return we will make a replacement depends on our available stock, if not available, a refund will be issued.

On Mar-01-22 at 10:50:27 PST, seller added the following information:



Additional information

Applicable Regions

For Toyota Corolla 2007-2013





Country/Region of Manufacture



Carbon Fiber

Fitment Type


Manufacturer Part Number

Does Not Apply

Placement on Vehicle



Does Not Apply


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