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- Suspension & Steering
- Lighting & Lamps
- Boat parts
- Module
- Home & Garden
- Business & Industrial
- Brakes & Brake Parts
- Car Repair Kit
- Auto Engine System
- Auto Ignition System
- Motorcycle Ignition System
- Motorcycle engine system
- Auto Actuator
- Auto Motor
- Auto Circuit Wiring Harness
- Transmission System
- Motorcycle Control System
- Exterior Trimming Parts
- Product will be shipped within 3 business days after full payment is received and verified. Delivery Time is about 3-7 business days to most of countries.
- All domestic orders will be shipped via USPS or FedEx from our US warehouse and usually arrives to your door in about 3-5 business days.
- We ship the package to your shipping address in eBay instead of the one in PayPal. Please tell us your shipping address if it is different from the one in eBay.
- The tracking number will be given for the customer to check the shipping status online (registered or faster service only).
- We are not responsible for any wrong or undeliverable addresses. Please verify and update your shipping address on eBay during checkout.
- We accept payment via Paypal only. Thanks.
- Your order will be usually shipped out on the same day or the next day when you paid for it.
- Shipping from the USA, we offer Free USPS Frist Class as default.
- Handling time: 2 business day and 3 business day on weekend (Orders are not processed on holidays).Item is shipped to ebay address. Please leaving correct address can minimize delay.
- Return is accepted within 30 days after the buyer’s receiving the item.
- If you need return, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation. Then get an address for return or refund.
- We value our customers tremendously. We are learning and improving our service better and better, and your satisfaction is the first thing that we pursue.
- If any problem occurs, please contact with us at the first time.
- Then we will try our best to solve the problem and make you pleased
- And if you are pleased with this transaction, please don’t hesitate to leave a POSITIVE FEEDBACK and FIVE STARS on all of the Detail Seller Ratings. We will do the same for you.
On Mar-13-22 at 18:47:11 PDT, seller added the following information:
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