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For Toyota Tacoma Manual Antenna Nut Top Cap & Rubber 1995-2004 Tacoma Front US


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SKU: 313912745364 Category:


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For Toyota Tacoma Manual Antenna Nut Top Cap & Rubber 1995-2004 Tacoma Front US

Items Description
100% Brand New and High Quality
Manufacturer Part Number:86396-04010 
Fits For:1995-2004 Tacoma DLX, SR5 4 Cyl V6 Cyl 2RZFE, 3RZFE, 5VZFE; 2RZFE, 3RZFE, 5VZ
NOTE:Communication is the best way to solve the problem. If you have any problems after purchasing, please contact us in time, before opening return or case.
Package Includes:1 pcs Antenna Nut Top Cap & Rubber

  1. Product will be shipped within 3 business days after full payment is received and verified. Delivery Time is about 3-7 business days to most  of countries.
  2. All domestic orders will be shipped via USPS or FedEx from our US warehouse and usually arrives to your door in about  3-5 business days.
  3. We ship the package to your shipping address in eBay instead of the one in PayPal. Please tell us your shipping address if it is different from the one in eBay.
  4. The tracking  number will be given for the customer to check the shipping status online (registered or faster service only).
  5. We are not  responsible for any wrong or undeliverable addresses. Please verify and  update your shipping address on eBay during checkout.
  1. We accept payment via Paypal only. Thanks.
  2. Your order will be usually shipped out on the same day or the next day when you paid for it.
  3. Shipping from the USA, we offer Free USPS Frist Class as default.
  4. Handling time: 2 business day and 3 business day on weekend (Orders are not processed on holidays).Item is shipped to ebay address. Please leaving correct address can minimize delay.
  1. Return is accepted within 30 days after the buyer’s receiving the item.
  2. If you need return, let us know the detailed problem and send us some pictures for confirmation. Then get an address for return or refund.
  1. We value our customers tremendously. We are learning and improving our service better and better, and your satisfaction is the first thing that we pursue.
  2. If any problem occurs, please contact with us at the first time.
  3. Then we will try our best to solve the problem and make you pleased
  4. And if you are pleased with this transaction, please don’t hesitate to leave a POSITIVE FEEDBACK and FIVE STARS on all of the Detail Seller Ratings. We will do the same for you.
If have any problem, Please don’t give negative feedback, Please contact us by message, we will do our best to service you .Thanks very much and have a good day!

Copyright © 2021, myauto-1 All Rights Reserved

On Mar-13-22 at 18:47:11 PDT, seller added the following information:



Additional information



Placement on Vehicle




Manufacturer Part Number





Does not apply


Does not apply

Manufacturer Warranty

3 Yeras

Other Part Number

T466 T467


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