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Fog Light Cover
Item Description
Color: same as the picture
– 100% Brand New in Box With Customized Packaging, Never Been Installed Before
– Comes in a Pair, Which Means Included Left Side (Driver Side) & Right Side (Passenger Side)
– Easy to install.
– Stylish and durable.
– A perfect aftermarket replacement.
Package Includes:
1 Pair of Fog Lights cover
All of the items in our shop will come to you with the tracking number.
30 Days money back,
All return requests must be submitted through your eBay account.
If your order has been received and it is not what you ordered, or if your item has a manufacturer defect, please contact us as soon as possible,and then we will give you a resolution as soon as possible.
Items to be returned must be in resalable condition,30 Days money back, please notify us within 30 days after you’ve received your purchased item.
Standard Order Processing time:
All items will ship within 24 hours (Monday – Friday).
Payment cleared/received on Friday will be shipped on the next business days (Monday or Tuesday)
We are not responsible for carrier transit time. This information is provided by the carrier and excludes weekends and holidays. Note that transit times may vary, particularly during peak periods or in climate weather conditions, and that delivery times frames will need to be extended for any processing time frames in excess of 1-2 business days.
International Shipping:
International buyers are responsible for possible customs fees, brokerage fees or duty fees. We would appreciate for understanding of tracking number would not be updated in between the city of departing in the U.S. and the city of destination.
Transaction will be held until a full shipping amount received.
Customer assumes shipping charges incurred in shipping to undeliverable address.
Please use Shipping & Payments tab on top of page for shipping details for your location.
International buyers are responsible for all customs duties, taxes, and other applicable fees incurred by the country’s customs/border regulations. Please contact customs for more information.
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